VouchersMate Coupon Codes

All VouchersMate Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - December 2024

All VouchersMate Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - December 2024

Never be stuck with last minute gift needs again when you have the VouchersMate website as your ultimate resource. You can log on, browse gifts by appropriate categories and have them sent directly to a recipient of your choice. A voucher option is also offered, allowing you to send a voucher with cash value instead of a product, meaning that the recipient may select their own gift.

New Users: Get 10% OFF Your First Order

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About VouchersMate Offers

VouchersMate is an online gift store, offering a wide variety of gifts in multiple categories. Some of the products offered directly online include

  1. Cakes
  2. Watches
  3. Sweets
  4. Jewellery
  5. Restaurant and fast food vouchers
  6. Fragrances
  7. Mugs

Never Pay Full Price with a Coupon

Smart shoppers already know that major price reductions are as easy as making use of a coupon code. See these simple guidelines to make use of a coupon today.

  • Start by paying a visit to the CouponCode.in website. Once there, use the search function to find all codes currently applicable to the VouchersMate website.
  • To claim a code, copy it, being sure to capture all relevant letters and numbers.
  • Now proceed to the VouchersMate website. Find applicable products and click ‘Add to cart’ to have them sent to the virtual shopping cart.
  • This will automatically take a shopper to the ‘Cart’ page. Here, easily identifiable by the ‘Discount Code’ label, is the input field required for the redemption of a code.

Easy Payment Options

You can make easy online payments via a method of your choice, which include credit card, debit and net banking.

Shipping and Refund Policies

Free shipping is offered on all orders from the VouchersMate website, with a 5-7 day delivery time Note that there is also a premium shipping option that takes only 2 days, but requires a nominal fee to cover costs.

There is a liberal 30-day replacement policy that helps every customer be 100% satisfied. If an item is damaged, faulty or not as expected, please return it for a free replacement. Note that if an order is cancelled before being delivered that a 25% cancellation fee is charged.

Be Part of the Social Media Network

Be notified of the latest products and special deals by connecting to these popular social media websites.

  • The VouchersMate Facebook page is now online – Visit regularly to be informed of new products
  • Don’t forget the Twitter page – Regular announcements keep you informed about VouchersMate news
  • Be sure to visit the Google+ page – Photos of offered products can be seen here
  • Be sure to see the VouchersMate Linkedin page – Details about the company are offered here

Professional Customer Support

Never be left out in the dark with a customer support centre standing by to offer assistance. You can get in touch via telephone at this number +91(0) 7838951900, or use the contact form on the ‘Contact Us’ page of the website. All returns should be sent to the store’s physical address, which is as follows

40, Gandhi Market,
Minto Road
New Delhi-110002

VouchersMate Reviews

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