Shopuli Coupon Codes

All Shopuli Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - December 2024

All Shopuli Promo Codes, Discounts & Deals - December 2024

Avoid having to spend entire weekends doing your shopping by simply logging on to the Shopuli website. At this convenient online location you can handle multiple shopping needs in one simple online shopping experience, including mobile phones, fashion needs, sports gear and even kitchen essentials. Log on today and avoid the queues and time wasted shopping the old-fashioned way.

New Users: Get 10% OFF Your First Order

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About Shopuli Offers

Shopuli is a one stop online shopping location, offering a number of products in multiple categories, including electronics and fashion. Some of the products offered on the website include

  1. Televisions
  2. Digital cameras
  3. Gaming consoles
  4. Fashion and fashion accessories
  5. Toys
  6. Luggage
  7. Pet care products

Reduce Prices on Selected Items

By making use of a coupon code during checkout you can get major discounts on selected items.

  • The first step is to find a valid code and copy it from the website.
  • Next, surf over to the Shopuli website by clicking the link. Find the corresponding products and click the ‘Buy now’ button.
  • On the page that follows, titled ‘Shopping cart’, find the input field titled ‘Use your voucher code’.
  • Enter your code into the space provided.

Easy Payment Methods

Payment methods available include credit card, debit card, net banking and cash on delivery. Cash on delivery is not available on all products and in all areas.

Shipping Policies and Easy Returns

Shipping is free on all orders that have a total value of Rs.200 or above. If your order has a value below this amount, please note that an extra amount of Rs.50 will be charged to cover shipping costs. If you are in a central location that is covered by a reputable courier, delivery will be in 4-5 days. However, if your package has a weight of over 2 kilos the delivery time may increase to 1-2 weeks.

There is a 30 day money back guarantee on products sold. You may return products in this period for a full refund. This does not apply to mobile phones and tablets, as these products have their own warranty that will be honoured by the company of manufacture.

The Social Media Advantage

Stay connected to the Shopuli social media network to be in the information hot zone.

  • Like the Shopuli Facebook page – New products are announced here first
  • Visit the Shopuli Twitter page – Company information is announced here
  • Don’t forget the Linkedin page – Detailed company facts about Shopuli are offered for your convenience
  • Be sure to visit the Pinterest page – Products from Shopuli are showcased here in detail

Customer Support Standing By

A professional customer support centre is standing by to help with any complaints or issues you may have. They can be reached easily at the following call centre number +91 – 8080054324. You can also get in touch via email if you prefer at The corporate office physical address is as follows:

B11/12, Bhiwandiwala Terrace,
Ground Floor, Marine Lines,
Mumbai - 400 002